Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Have you heard of this new shampoo??

Have you heard of this new shampoo?? I hadn’t until recently. They are genius! Zippity Doo’s came up with a way to help prevent lice from getting in your child’s hair. Which is huge, with the rate schools are getting it and spreading it. It is completely pediatrician approved.

You can use the Shampoo/Conditioner daily to help prevent, as well as the Detangler spray and Styling gel. Then when you feel that your child might be at a higher risk, such as sharing a baseball helmet, or combs, hair accessories, etc. You can spray them with the Shield Spray. All products are:

• Mild enough to use on a daily basis
• Natural and not harsh treatments

So if you are thinking of sending your child off to summer camp this year… Think about using these products before hand. Did you know that 24% of Summer Camps had Lice outbreaks last year??

My kids have been using it for a couple weeks. They love the smell.. its not to strong or stinky. It works good in their hair, and still leaves it manageable and easy to care for.

Right now you can buy Zippity Doo’s at a few stores in New York. For the complete list go here. Or you can order it online at

Win it:

One of my lucky readers will have the chance to win:
A bottle of Shampoo
A bottle of Conditioner
A bottle of Styling Gel
A bottle of Shield Spray

Thanks to MomSelect & Zippity Doo’s. Wait that’s not all… I also got some samples from the Smart Mom Blogging Conference I went to, so I am going to give away another set to one more winner.

* I was provided with samples of Zippity Doo’s in exchange for a review. All opinions are mine and mine alone. Thanks to Zippity Doo’s and MomSelect for the product and opportunity.


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