Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It is finally Spring! We are loving every minute!

 It is finally Spring! We are loving every minute! What I didn't know about Spring is that it is prime season for head lice. Yuck!! I so remember getting lice as a child and I had hair down to my bottom. It hurt so bad when my Mom had to comb my hair and wash it to get all the bugs out. Blah! I think about my boys and all the places we could get those little gnasties...bounce houses, hats, dress up clothes at the nature center, the children's musesum, gym mats, etc. I also didn't know there was a way to prevent your child from head lice.

Zippity Doo actually prevents your child from getting lice instead of treating the head lice. I have never seen or heard of a product like this. And it is ALL natural. It smells so fresh and amazing. I want to find a scent similar for myself.

There are 5 products in the line. Shampoo, conditioner, detangler, syling gel and shielding spray. All of which I have used on the boys blonde heads. We don't use the conditioner much though.

But I am sure I would on a little girl! Maybe we'll get one of those!? I LOVE the styling gel. I use it everyday. It works really well and allows their hair to stay soft, smell great and prevents head lice. What more could a mom ask for? And I get to give away an entire set!

Buy: The products start at $10.99 at select online retailers
From - Blondes, Poop and Mascara

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