Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Why treat lice, when you can prevent it?"

 "Why treat lice, when you can prevent it?" This is the motto of Zippity Doo's line of children's hair care products. We have been fortunate enough to not have had to treat lice in our home, but know many people who have and I hear it is a difficult and unpleasant experience. Several of them have even had to resort to shaving all the heads on the household, moms and daughters included, and who knows the side effects of those expensive chemical treatments? In comes Zippity Doo with their line of hair care products that use natural ingredients to prevent lice from infesting our children and our homes.

Zippity Doo has 5 products that can used separately or together for a stronger defense. There is a shampoo, a conditioner, a leave-in detangler, a styling gel, and a shield spray for hard-to-wash surfaces such as hats, helmets and backpacks. The products are gentle enough for daily use and work as well as their "regular" counterparts. The ingredients include anise, rosemary, tea tree oil, sage, and rosemary (each product has a different combination).

We enjoyed these products very much. They smell wonderful and while they are not the typical, chemical fruity/candy scents, the kids still enjoyed the blend of natural scents. The bottles state that they also help protect against "other insects" as well, so I am thinking about buying some more to use during the summer to see how it protects against those darn mosquitoes.

Zippity Doo products can be found at, Value Drugs and other drug stores and hair salons.

Would you like to win a set of your own Zippity Doo products? One person will win one bottle of each product to use themselves. Even if you are not exposed to lice or other insects, these are wonderful hair care products. To enter:
- Tell me who you use these products on. I am not ashamed to say I will be using these this summer to avoid those bugs. (mandatory entry)
- You can earn bonus entries (one entry for each that you do) subscribing to my blog, following my blog, or sharing this giveaway via your blog or other social networking site. Please leave an extra comment for each bonus entry. The winner will be chosen on May 8th and they will have 48 hours to get back to me or a new winner will be chosen. I am not sure what time I will choose the winner on the 8th, but entries will be accepted up until the drawing. Good luck!

***Disclaimer: I received a set of the Zippity Doo products for this review, but my opinions are my own. No monetary compensation was received.***

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